Burning Mouth Syndrome
If you’re feeling pain in the mouth that’s burning, scalding tingling than you’re afflicted by burning syndrome. In this case, usually, the tongue has been affected but the pain can also spread to different areas of the mouth such as lips, jaws, and roof. At times the burning mouth syndrome gives a sense of numbness. Other symptoms include dry mouth or altered taste in the mouth area. Burning syndrome doesn’t have a particular period of pain. The pain may persist for a day or two or it might prolong for weeks and months.
- It is difficult to diagnose burning mouth syndrome as there is no specific test which can detect burning mouth syndrome
- Usually, doctors prescribe medicines to help manage mouth pain. As such, there is no specific way to treat burning mouth syndrome.
Symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome
The following are the symptoms:
- Burning or scalding in mouth
- Numbness of tongue
- Pain in lips, gums, throat
- Dry mouth
- Feeling thirsty
- Loss of taste
- Taste change
The discomfort caused due to the burning mouth syndrome may occur in different ways and it may vary from person to person.
- You may feel slight irritation or discomfort as u wake up in morning but it may become worse as time passes.
- You might feel the discomfort at some point in time while it may disappear after some time.
- The pain and discomfort might start as soon as u wakes up and last until the end of the day with the same frequency.
Burning Mouth Syndrome Types
Primary burning syndrome: Principal condition is that the condition where no clinical trials could be detected. Experts say that main burning syndrome is caused by the central nervous system.
Secondary burning mouth syndrome: in this case, the burning is caused by the underlying medical condition. The problems that may cause secondary burning syndrome include.
- Deficiency of nutrients like iron, zinc, folate.
- Fungal infection of mouth like oral thrush
- Allergies to some food, food colouring, fragrances
- If the Dentures don’t fit well it can give stress on some muscles and tissues of your mouth, or if they contain materials that irritate mouth tissues
- Certain blood pressure medicines can also cause problems
- Certain oral habits like tongue thrushing, teeth grinding
- Excessive over brushing or using abrasive toothpaste