Drama as actor Gideon Okeke crowns colleague, Zubby Michael ‘the Biggest Nollywood star’
Nollywood actor Gideon Okeke has declared his colleague, Zubby Michael, as the biggest star in the Nigerian film industry.
Sharing his thoughts on his Instagram story, Gideon likened himself to Elizabeth recognizing the greatness Mary carried, as he acknowledged Zubby’s stature in Nollywood.
He expressed that God’s greatness manifests in varying magnitudes and emphasized that it takes humility to acknowledge and give praise to God.
Hailing Zubby, Gideon said he saw him and told him to keep riding.
“Zubby Michael is the biggest Nollywood star.
But like Elizabeth,
I know what Mary is carrying.
God’s expression resounds in different decibels.
It takes ONLY humility to submit in praise to God.
Keep riding my broda. I see you”.