Silicone Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis
Silicone is a byproduct that’s employed in just about all personal care products and other daily used items. Itching, swollen bumps or rashes over the skin are typical indications of allergies.
Symptoms of silicone allergy are extremely uncommon, but repeated exposure may result in anaphylaxis shock.
First case of allergic reaction due to this sterile chemical was reported by way of saline implants. Another occasion of 10-year old boy with itching (pruritus), erythema (inflammation) and oedema (cells total of excess fluid) also been reported after having silicone nasogastric tube.
After the tube was eliminated, with just two hours external signs of allergic response diminished slowly.
In another situation, girls with silicone breast implants are examined who often complain of allergic symptoms. The report suggested that 75 percent of them are hypersensitive to silicone.
Symptoms of Silicone Allergy
As listed above, rashes over the skin, watery eyes and life-threatening conditions can be experienced by this allergic reaction.
Skin Reaction and Contact Dermatitis
Signs may appear in couple of weeks or hours of usage. Cosmetic products which have silicone will trigger the reaction. Because of this red rashes, swelling and sexual itching could be understood on the place where the cream is put on.
Swelling of hands, legs and other body components following using silicone will signal allergic reaction. Tissues will be full of excess fluid which contributes to swelling.
Eye Infection
When allergens are ingested through any means, allergic reaction hits blood stream. Watery, itchy and redness of eyes can be seen.
Airway Issues
Chemical reaction that triggered in blood flow by allergens has extreme effects. Swelling, swelling of throat, airways and acute asthma may be gotten by the individual.
In rare situations, hypersensitive person could encounter difficulty in breathing and unconsciousness.
Person who is sensitive to silicone must consult allergist for treatment. Often, people mistake intolerance and other allergic reaction to silicone allergy.
Allergist will conduct skin prick test to confirm the allergen.
Once the allergic substance is confirmed, you must stay away from it.