If your preschooler comes home with a cold or the flu, does this mean the rest of your family members will also get sick? While getting your loved one’s cold may seem inevitable, there are actually many simple steps other family members can take to avoid sickness.
Young kids catch an average of six to eight colds a year and adults get an average of two to four colds, mostly between September and May, according to the American Lung Association. On top of that, there’s the risk of catching the yearly flu. But families can take steps to make sure that cold and flu germs don’t spread throughout the entire household. Here are eight strategies to implement at the first sign of a loved one’s cold or flu symptoms:
- Wash your hands.You don’t need anything fancy to do this — regular soap is just as good as antibacterial soap, says Len Horovitz, MD, a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. But how long should you scrub? “Sing the song ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat’ once while washing your hands, and then you’re done,” he suggests. Even rinsing in plain water is better than nothing, and hand sanitizers are fine to use when you’re not by a sink.
- Keep your hands off of yourself.“On average, people touch their face two or three times a minute — but you should never touch your face with unwashed hands,” as that’s how colds and flu germs spread, says Dr. Horovitz. “Germs can get into your system through your eyes, nose, or mouth when you touch your face,” he explains.
- Get an annual flu shot.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, everyone who is at least 6 months old should get aflu vaccination. It may not be fail-safe, but getting a flu shot can significantly lower your risk for developing the flu and even lessen its severity if you do get it. “Individuals who receive a flu shot and still get the flu generally have less severe symptoms and fewer complications than those who have not been vaccinated,” says Neil Schachter, MD, medical director of the respiratory care department at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City and the author of The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu.
- Keep your distance.“Social gatherings are one of the easiest places to spread germs, and in the case of holiday parties, they take place during the time of year when colds and flu viruses are rampant,” Horovitz says. So be sure to keep your distance when greeting your loved ones over the holidays. “You can be exposed to germs when kissing someone on the cheek. An air kiss is safer,” he adds.
- Disinfect ASAP.Germs can live on surfaces for up to 24 hours. “Wipe down all surfaces in the house where germs can live, including telephones, computer keyboards, and counter surfaces, with a disinfectant,” Horovitz suggests. Also be sure to wash forks, spoons, knives, and other utensils thoroughly to help prevent spreading germs from one person to another.
- Steer clear of others when you’re ill.If you’re sick, stay away from family members and co-workers until you have no fever after 24 to 48 hours without medication. However, this is easier said than done — because you may be contagious before you start to feel sick, Horovitz says. Marie Fornof, RN, BSN, an infection preventionist at the National Jewish Health in Denver, suggests that you “quarantine a sick family member as soon as possible until their fever breaks.” If you share a bed, move to a separate bedroom to sleep by yourself while you’re sick. A sick person should also skip cooking and dish-washing duties, since these are easy ways to spread germs.
- Cough into your elbow.Don’t cough into your hands, says Fornof. “Cough into your elbow crease or sleeve and encourage your kids to do the same to help prevent the spread of germs.”
- Trash tissues.Cold and flu germs can spread through used tissues. Make sure to throw out any tissues after use and wash your hands after disposing of them. “If possible, dispose of tissues in separate plastic bags that are sealable to help prevent the germs from spreading in the garbage,” suggests Dr. Schachter.
And if you want to help prevent your family members from getting sick in the first place, keep everyone’s immune system strong by getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and not smoking, says Schachter.