According to most ladies, being on their period is not pleasurable or nice in anyway, they complain about pain, mood swings, elevated emotions, sometimes depression (just to name a few) and they can’t wait for it to be over. What most of them don’t know is there are some tricks and things to do to make your period end a day or two before it’s meant to.
1. EXERCISE: It seems like exercise is the answer to everything, doesn’t it? Well, that’s pretty much the case. That’s why you shouldn’t waste all of your time sitting on the couch eating chips during that time of the month. Even though the last thing you want to do during your period is move, you need to get up and get active. Your body will thank you for it in the long run.
2. TAKE A CONTRACEPTIVE DRUG: When you head to your doctor, they should be able to find a birth control pill that’s right for you. Once your body gets used to the medicine, your period shouldn’t last very long, and it should become predictable. Of course, there are ways for you to skip your period altogether when you’re on the pill.
3. ORGASM: It doesn’t matter if you find a man to sleep with, or if you touch yourself. Either way, orgasming can help your period end faster. Why? Because it makes your body contract, which pushes out all of that blood and tissue faster. So if you need a good excuse for masturbating, this is it.
4. USE A HEATING PAD ON YOUR BELLY: Grab a heating pad and place it on your stomach. Don’t own one? Then grab an empty container of coke, fill it up with hot water, and place that on your stomach. The heat will help make the blood flow from your body. The faster all of that blood leaves you, the sooner your period will be over, so you might as well try this little trick.
5. CHANGE YOUR DIET: Your diet can change the length of your period. Try drinking herbal tea in order to make the blood flow out of your body faster. It might even soothe those pesky cramps that arrive during that time of the month. When it comes to food, try eating pumpkin, papayas, and peaches. They should all help get the job done.
6. DON’T USE TAMPONS, USE PADS: Every girl has a preference when it comes to period products. However, all of you tampon users might want to switch to using pads. They allow the blood to flow out freely, which means that using them can actually shorten the length of your period. Follow these tips and your period shouldn’t last as long as it usually does. What other things have you done to make your period end faster?