As shared by someone on social media, read…
In those days, in the time of our forefathers, Chinua Achebe and Co, Rice was served once in a blue moon, especially on days like Christmas. I believe the elderly ones reading this can bear witness to this fact.. as the years went by, it gradually began to be served only on special occasions and during Sundays (Sunday rice).. but nowadays, In every home, it’s become the main staple food. If you ain’t eating rice then you are considered a poor man! People are very willing to eat rice throughout the day as long as it begins with R and ends with E.
During an economics lecture, Demand and supply could best describe the reason why Rice remains the number one food in the country, but the question still remains, are there no substitutes to this scarce good called rice? Why must each and every Nigerian base their diet on Rice? I’m pretty sure that those abroad hardly depend on this commodity for survival, why must we make rice importation a do or die affair?
We are eating way too much rice and our dependence on this good has made it so valuable, if not checked, a bag of rice may rise further until it gets so expensive.
So I put this forth to you, can you go a week without eating Rice? What other substitutes to this commodity would you prefer?