Reasons why TheBillionCoin (TBC) is a SCAM:
Meaning of Cryptocurrency: A cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange such as normal currencies like USD but made for the purpose of exchanging digital data through a process made possible by certain fundamentals of cryptography.
Perhaps that was not so directly to the stage, choose this instead, it’s a digital money made to function as a medium of trade using encryption methods to secure trades and production of additional components of this money.
Examples include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Peercoin, Primecoin, Ripple, Mastercoin, Dogecoin and others.
Cryptocurrency has gotten quite famous today, known and used by everyone. Additionally, there are few fraudsters seeking to grab the moment to make some gain for themselves by employing the expression, cryptocurrency.
Like most electronic monies, this one maintains that its market value gains daily meaning when TBC initially arrived, its opening price was 0.001 and has allegedly gone up in value by 5 percent since that day; needless to say that sounds fantastic to be true.
The hidden intention is to entice new members while raising their hopes with the concept that they can become a millionaire in a brief period.
It is a simple fact that the majority of the new members are individuals who do not have an actual comprehension of exactly what cryptocurrency is and how it functions.
You have seen the graph over how TheBillionCoin asserts how its value goes up daily but in this segment, I will briefly describe what determines the worth of a cryptocurrency.
Simply speaking, the cost of a Cryptocurrency has been determined within its own supply and demand; for instance, when the need for bitcoins rises, the cost increases, when demand drops, the cost falls. Get that, correct?.
Demand relies mostly on two factors: The usefulness of this Cryptocurrency (Utility) and Speculation. The utility is the capacity to utilize the stated cryptocurrency to purchase things or to cover items you would like.
Speculation: This is the belief that the Cryptocurrency could one day be considered greater than what they are currently, i.e. future usefulness.
What is theBillionCoin?
TheBillionCoin is a decentralized peer to peer crypto currency marginally like bitcoin but works on its own principle made with an idea of ending poverty worldwide and using a formula where its worth develops base on the billion dollar coin’s network development.
Why TheBillionCoin is not a Cryptocurrency
1. TheBillionCoin (TBC) is not on, that is undoubtedly a significant blow against “TheBillionCoin”.
Please Note: TheBillionCoin (TBC) differs from (TurboCoin(TBC) is no longer in existence), They both have identical abbreviation; however they are not similar.
2. The value always goes, this is not assumed to be unless its worth is dependent on the proprietor of TheBillionCoin rather than from the marketplace since there are no cryptocurrency that its market worth goes up constantly, It is just a mechanism to search for more visitors.
3. There are no open market behind this particular coin, If at any time this strategy was supposed to fall, all of the member coin tends to be valueless. There is really no legit exchanger for billion coin, a search on google is a proof to this.
4. It utilizes a Multi-Level Marketing design.
5. Uses testimonials along with the notion of tricking millionaire board into becoming new members.
6. It can not be Mined, How then are coins being created?
7. It has a poor reputation both on Reddit and Bitcointalk Forum.
8. Users get prohibited without Warning. Its participants complaind over a banned account without warning as this could happen when they sell their own coins at a more affordable rate or whatever reason they decide to prohibit them for and one may lose his or her coins indefinitely.
9. Following the TBC update, TBC has blocked the SEND BUTTON on all user accounts and you are expected to pay a yearly fee of $10 before you can become a reliable Seller since you are not a reliable vendor of TBC
10. TBC — TheBillion coin has no open origin, it does not have any roadmap and it is being controlled by its owners.
A lot of people have fallen for this and it is high time the truth came out.