The Best Capital One Credit Card and 5 Reasons Why You Should Apply For It
A credit card is very important. This is because it allows you to buy stuff and pay for services without necessarily having to carry huge amounts of money. Although there are many banks and companies that issue credit cards, most people prefer to get their cards from Capital One bank. This bank is very popular in US due to the fact that it’s among the most trusted financial institutions. As a matter of fact, they even have credit cards that are meant for people with low credit score. Venture card is arguably the best capital one credit card. Below is a list of the benefits that come with this amazing credit card.
- Convenience
This one goes without saying. The credit card is designed to favor the needs of people that travel more often. Without such a card, you would have to carry your money when flying out of the country. And that’s not all. You would have to change your money into local currency to be able to use. Venture credit card is by far a game changer. This is because you can use the card while visiting various places around the world. With the card, you can conveniently pay for accommodation and flights. Moreover, the card is very secure. Even if someone stole your wallet and found your wallet, they can’t access your money in the bank. This is due to the fact that the card does not link in any way to your bank account.
- Amazing Reward Program
You will rarely be rewarded for spending cash money. However, the reward is guaranteed when you use a credit card. This means that the more you spend, the more reward points you will accumulate in your account. Venture card in particular rewards shoppers with points that can go up to $500.But you must buy goods that are worth 3000. That money is enough to pay for the card’s annual fee and still be able to buy some essential supplies.
- Sign up Bonus
Everyone that applies for a Venture credit card is required to make an annual payment of $95. However, the credit card company gives a one year waiver to everyone that signs up for the first time. This means that you are allowed to use the card without having to pay even a single cent to the credit card company until the waiver period lapses.
- Cashback Program
Cashback might sound similar to points that are earned when you pay for products or services with a credit card, but it’s not. Instead of earning redeemable points, the program allows you to spend less money by refunding a small fraction of the total cost. . It’s similar to being given a discount when you shop at a retail store. Venture offers a Cashback of up to 2%. The rate goes up when you dine at hotels listed on
- Helps Maintain Good Credit Score
Having a good credit history is very important. For a start, you can’t get Venture credit card if your credit score is below average. If you have never used a credit card before, Venture can help you by a great deal. All you have to do is pay the credit card debt on time every month. Such a history comes in handy when you want to apply for a loan in future for buying a house or a car. This is because the money lender will dig into your credit history to find if you have some unpaid credit card debts.