If you stay in an area where you are constantly around animals, or they spend a lot of time around you, you can be at the risk of contracting Zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases, also known as zoonosis, are the infections caused by animals to humans.
Animals can be nice companions to humans and offer a great friendship. Thou, if not taken care of, the germs from these animals can be cause of some serious illness as well. Germs, bacteria, fungi, etc. can also be present in healthy looking animals, and thus, one should always be cautioned. Here’s all you need to know about zoonotic diseases, their causes, types, and prevention.
Causes of Zoonotic Diseases
Zoonotic Diseases may be caused by a virus, parasites, bacteria, or even fungus in the animals. These germs may be spread via direct contact i.e. petting them or farming them or through indirect contact through meals, and water, the Significant causes of zoonotic infections are:
- Food and water contamination: Contaminated water and food supply is among the significant causes of zoonotic diseases. Drinking unpasteurized milk, eating undercooked or uncooked eggs, meat, etc. can contribute to many stomach associated ailments. Eating veggies and fruits contaminated with animal faeces can also be among the causes of disease and therefore, must always be considered for.
- Immediate contact with animals: If you have pets, then you’re more vulnerable to infections such as rabies, ringworm, etc.. Farmers mostly come in direct contact with different animals like horses, donkeys, cows, birds, etc.. And are in a risk of Glanders, bird influenza, clamydiosis, and much more. A amimals could cause you an illness even if it seems healthy. For this reason, it’s vital to have them vaccinated at regular periods to eliminate any possible dangers.
- Hunting: Individuals who enjoy hurnting and eating bush meat, can contact various disease including HIV because of improper handling of their meat rather than cleaning the meat correctly.
- Bites, strikes, and insect vectors: An attack by a wild animal, like a sting, or maybe a scratch can result in an infection. Animal bites from non-vaccinated creatures cause rabies. Besides that, insect and mosquito bites can result in zika fever, west Nile fever, tularaemia, and much more.
Common Zoonotic Diseases
In the recent years, among those zoonotic diseases which has claimed the lives of several would be your monkey pox. A bit like the small pox that we see obliterated now, it may come to people from monkeys — either by touch or some other bodily touch.
However, that is not the only common zoonotic disease that you need to be aware of. As you shall see below, most of these diseases are quite deadly in nature.
Some common zoonotic diseases include:
1. Ebola: Ebola is a viral haemorrhagic fever which has killed over 50 percent of those affected people. The virus’ signals include high fever, muscular pain, sore throat, etc.. The virus then reduces the function of livers and kidneys and may eventually cause death due to internal bleeding. It’s spread by contact with the body fluids or blood vessels of those infected animal/individual.
2. Monkey Pox: Monkey pox virus is transmitted via animal sting or coming in direct contact with the blood of an infected monkey. It may spread from both creatures to people and humans to people. The symptoms include swelling of lymph nodes, muscular pain, etc.. The virus ought to be known early on and is extremely tricky to take care of.
Prevention from Zoonotic Diseases
One must have a great deal of attention and ensure cleanliness whilst managing animals in a regular basis or taking care of those. Listed below are a Couple of prevention tips to avoid preventing disease from animals:
1. Use insect and mosquito repellents to avoid getting bitten from them.
2. Wash all your produce before cooking and drink pasteurized milk only.
3. If you have pets, get them vaccinated regularly
4. If you have pets, get them vaccinated regularly.
5. If you’re on a farm or have pets, always clean the areas where your pets stay. Make sure the animals are always clean and healthy.
6. If any animal around you is sick, avoid directly touching them and make use of gloves.
7. Avoid triggering any wild animal, especially when they appear sick, so that they don’t bite or scratch you.
8. Clean your hands: Keeping your hands clean right after being around animals is the first step to prevent any infection. Even if you didn’t touch any animals or were at a distance from them, washing your hands is the best way to get rid of all kinds of germs.