4 Things to know about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
When you go to see a therapist, their first move is to analyze your situation and understand what you hope to get out of the therapy sessions. Most of these professionals will pick a particular strategy depending on the condition of the patient.
One of the most effective therapy techniques is cognitive behavioral therapy. It is a treatment that the psychologist sets to alter how one behaves and reacts in a specific situation.
Today, we will explore everything that a patient who wants to understand what this treatment is all about.
- Who should go for this treatment?
The truth is, CBT is not suitable for everyone. It focuses on changing your thought patterns. Scientists believe that any mental illness stems from negative thoughts and that is what the therapist will try to alter through the course of the diagnosis.
Since its focus is on your mind, patients who would qualify for the treatment include people suffering from depression, esteem problems, having unrealistic expectations, phobias, anxiety problems, mental illness, and sleep disorders among others.
Therefore, if you do not have issues with your thinking or your belief system, then professionals may have to recommend another treatment for you.
- How long does it take to get results?
Most patients want to know how much time (not just money) that they will have to invest in getting the results they want.
Nonetheless, it does not have to be a lot of time, and it does not have to be less time. The reason is, patients are different from each other. Therefore, the severity of the condition may determine how long you will take to get the level of stability you desire.
Therapists say that it may take a few weeks or months to start seeing results. Both the patient and the counselor will have to work together. Do not rush the sessions because you would want to apply whatever you learn when you are away from the therapist.
- What will you do in sessions?
Different counselors take different approaches depending on the patient and the condition that he or she is facing.
In a session, which most of the time takes place once a week, the counselor will want to understand your history, your past, present, and the goals that you have. It will help him or her to understand your problem.
Note, you have to be open and honest about everything. The doctors are very confidential. Expect him or her to put you into difficult situations, which could you into anger, pain, or becoming happy.
- How do you pick the best therapist?
Because you want to get results, the thing is, some may have a problem choosing the best professional for the job such as anxietyocdbala.com.
You should aim to get the most effective individual in the market. When doing your background checks, examine their level of education, certification, licenses, and area of expertise, and understand how they charge patients.
As you prepare to get an appointment, analyze your condition and know what type of results you want to achieve at the end of the treatment. Have as many questions for your counselor as possible.
Final remarks
During the first appointment, it is your goal to learn about the entire treatment, your mind, how to cope and remain stable during particular situations, and understand the number of therapy sessions you might require.