Have you ever looked at your undies and saw something alarming? Like…a discharge that is far from the look you are used to?
Vaginal discharge is a normal and regular occurrence, although the amount can vary from different individual, so also the hue and odour (its colour can range from clear to a milky whitish), depending on the time in your menstrual cycle. For example, there will be more discharge if you are ovulating, breastfeeding, or are sexually aroused. The smell may be different if you are pregnant or you haven’t been diligent about your personal hygiene.
Since the vaginal discharge is not an awful thing then no cause for alarm, however, there are some exceptional to this case, if the colour, smell, or consistency seems significantly unusual, especially if it is accompanied by vaginal itching or burning, then you could be noticing an infection or other condition. Some changes in the vagina’s balance of normal bacteria can affect the smell, colour, or discharge texture.
Tips for preventing va ginal infections that can lead to abnormal discharge include:
Always keep the va gina clean by washing regularly with a gentle, mild soap and warm water.
Scented soaps and feminine products should be avoided, also feminine sprays and bubble bath should be avoided.
After going to the bathroom, always wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from getting into the va gina and causing an infection.
Wear 100% cotton underpants, and avoid overly tight clothing. Cotton undies allow your privates to breath and also keeps it dry. Having dry undies means less chances of getting a yeast infection.
Never scratch, va ginal infection often comes with itching. Never scratch, it only makes things worse.
Never use va ginal douches. Besides the fact that they don’t work, when prepared in an unsanitary manner, vaginal douches could give you vaginal infection.
How is abnormal discharge treated?
The treatment to be administered is solely depended, on what’s causing the problem. For example, yeast infections are usually treated with antifungal medications inserted into the vagina in cream or gel form. Bacterial vaginosis is treated with antibiotic pills or creams.