It started slow and snuck up on the world, but the revolutionary change, which hit in the guise of social media marketing is here to stay for good. The steps in the development are not very clear, what with so many different sites emerging at about the same timeline.
However, retracing the popularity curve is a good way to understand the specifics of the innovation.
What makes Facebook the ideal choice for personal social networking while corporate networking is all LinkedIn’s game? Understanding the various social media sites and their target audience will be proof of the right course of action when you decide to deal in the field.
Hottest facts of the field
The statistics of internet behavior shows that four out of every five internet users will hop on to visit social media sites within the first hour of logging in.
Mobiles, especially with the launch of Smartphone, have become the device of choice for social networking access.
Social media networking apps are consistently the most popular Smartphone apps for the past whole year.
The social media sites have varied features that mostly mimic reality cool trends and portray the action in to networking terms. For, instance, you tweet with Twitter, and like posts on Facebook.
The comparisons of data show that men are more interested in videos on social media sites whereas women are more interested in the images and blog posts. Tweeting however, remains a favorite for women of all age groups.
From a global perspective, more than ¾ of all the internet users are likely to be active member of more than one popular social networking site.
Social media destinations – Where are the people most likely to be
Mostly, nature of the audience decides the destination where they belong. Social media sites have organized themselves to themes that cater to all aspects of social networking. Therefore, if you are looking for corporate networking, you will have to choose the destination along that line. Choosing a party or fun oriented social media site will not harm your purpose but definitely reduce the productivity scores.
What you want might be very different from what you need, but sometimes you can also decide to take the contrast for a spin. To take up that big challenge, first equip yourself with the acute information regarding popular social networking sites and their profiles.
Facebook profile
Social media networking was probably not so much on the radar before this site hit the markets. The ultimate social hangout, the interface design is trendy and recently received a facelift. You have categories of friends on your list and you can share status information and start discussions via comments. You can like other status, shares, and comments. You can upload photos and videos via the site. Online games and professional subscriptions are also popular destination hangouts within the site. 18-55 years is the most likely age range that regularly log on to the site.
Twitter profile
Micro blogging emerged with Twitter and people are hooked now. You can follow your friends and acquaintances as well as aspiring people within the site. Your short posts are referred as ‘tweets’, and can be linked with your Facebook updates, blog posts or website content.
Twitter is an excellent marketing tool, it was predicted to be gratifying for just the teenage age range, however- females in the range of 18-35 years and males from 15-40 years are average users of the platform.
LinkedIn Profile
This is a very business centric social networking site. People are more likely to use LinkedIn for professional prospects than for ideal personal networking. For your profile, you can take your pick from features like an application platform and the close-gated tactic. The close-gated policy requires a common contact’s intercession to make sure that the both involved parties have a reference for trusting each other.
The application platform was added around October 2008. This platform allows you to display the book that you are currently reading, you can link to your WordPress site or even your latest blog posts to market yourself and services. You can also form a part of interest groups and take advantage of the various job listings that are available on the site. Statistics highlight that the number of postgraduates who visit social media sites on the block, the highest concentration of this focus group is likely to hit LinkedIn.
Microblogging is the new big thing and Tumblr is the newest player in the field. It is relatively newer than most of the social media sites (started in 2007). You can post in your text messages, upload images, video posts, link to other videos or blog posts, in short do all the regular social media chores in Tumblr. You can follow other users or keep your “tumblelog” personal and private. Easy to use and easier to get addicted to; Tumblr has raked in over 6.8 million weekly visitors and earned the spot of 10th largest social network. This is a big step for such a relatively new website.
This social news website literally started as an experiment. The trend was to post news stories that were then voted ‘up’ or ‘down’ by the readers. In this case, however, the terms used for this referral were
Digging and Burying. The trend of people voting stories or posts was just copied all over by almost every social media sites; although, the referral terms changed for each website. officially calculated Digg as the 143rd ranking social media site in the website traffic countdown (the rank is just behind the ardent competitor Reddit).
1 comment
It’s quite intresting