Yellow dye is just one of the foods coloring which is broadly utilized in producing potato chips, jams, candy, cool beverages and decorative products. It’s also known as FD&C yellowish dye 5 or tartrazine. This colour dye provides lemon-yellow colour to foods and cosmetics.
Though number of individuals suspected to the allergy is reduced, patients with aspirin hypersensitivity will encounter dye allergy symptoms.
Yellow Dye Allergy Symptoms
There are just a few myths surrounding this particular food dye, such as adverse effect on male potency, penis size and even sperm count. Anyhow, there’s absolutely no record to back these statements.
Allergic symptoms can arise after 6 to 14 hours of yellowish dye ingestion. In a study carried from University of Guelph roughly 1 to 10 in each ten million people are allergic to yellow dye aspirin and 5. It is like 0.01% of total population, really low.
- Food and Drug Administration states that about 0.01% of people experience hives if they are sensitive to tartrazine. Hives are pale red, itchy skin rashes appear on hands, feet, buttocks, legs and face.
- Asthma can be caused by various irritants like dust mites, inhaling fumes and food dyes. You need to diagnose to know the exact cause of asthma. It results in difficulty in breathing and swallowing.
- Risk of cancer. Anyhow, reports and studies lack to prove toxic effect of yellow 5.
- Migraine headache, about 12 percent of US population experience this symptom. Yellow dye is not the only irritant to trigger this symptom. A quick relief from migraine would be inhaling lavender oil.
- Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are other common symptoms of yellow dye 5 allergy.
- In case if you see severe swelling and inflammation of any body part, then reach the doctor for an injection that will immediately reduce swelling.
- Other health concerns include hyperactivity, depression, aggression, sleep disturbance and irritability.
If you’re sure that any of the above symptoms are triggered after consuming yellow dye 5then initially avoid foods containing this dye and reach doctor for diagnosis.
Yellow dye is made from?
Yellow dye 5 made of coal tar. Yes you read it right, it is the old fashioned coal tar which is used to make yellow dye 5. There are other such dyes which are made from coal. The FDA is has given list of dyes made from coal tar.
Foods with Yellow Dye
You will be shocked to know the full listing of food items containing yellow dye. These items are used daily in every house hold.
- Pasta
- Pancake mix
- Powdered chicken broth
- Cereals
- Frostings
- Pickles
- Jello
- Pickles
- Macaroni
- Cheese
- Popsicles
- Yogurt
- Ice creams
- Orange cheese
- Butter
- Alcohol mixes
- Soda
- Flavoured milk
- Orange juices and orange color chips
Apart from food items other products which contain the yellow dye are
- Body wash
- Soap
- Tooth paste
- Mouth wash
- Conditioner
- Shaving cream
- Shampoo
- Salves
- Moisturisers
Foods with yellow 5 and 6 dye
Yellow 5 Yellow 6
Doritos Doritos
Lemon jello Lemon jello
Fruit loops Keebler crackers
Starburst Starburst